After I let Rudy chase me around the couch and over Cuddle Bun's legs several times last night, he perched on the arm of the couch, and gave me that cute little "You must talk baby talk to me and come give me a scratch around my ears and let me lick your nose" look. As I swooped in to do just that, I realized he has a birthday coming up. I start telling Rudy that we need to start planning his birthday party. I mean, we only have a little more than 3 months to get the arrangements made. Cuddle Buns had a cute little smile on his face as I started to rattled off a proposed guest list: Hobbit, Mia, Scooter and Carmy, Sketcher, Copper and Cooper...
I glance up at CB. The smile was gone. He says (with realization and shock and surprise and a hint of horror): "You're serious!"
What kind of cake do dogs like? I know chocolate is bad for them. Will carrot cake work? I'm sure they make little party hats for dogs....
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago
when i lived in austin there was a place call 'the barkery'. they made all sorts of dog friendly treats.