I didn't get the shot of his little snout covered in mud from the hole he was digging. Wish he could figure out how to fill the watering can and clean up.
I, too, have a new pastime, and, as a matter of fact, I just made this for it:

Instead of paying lots of cash for a really cool wooden one, I made this myself for $8.37. (It would have been cheaper, but I didn't want to sand, so I bought chair tips for a couple of bucks.) Any guesses??
Does this help?

That is my new spinning wheel there at my feet. Here are my enablers:
Midge (in the background) taught the class Barbara and I took in Boerne at the Kid 'n Ewe festival this weekend.

Donna sold me my cute little wheel. I'm holding my first attempt at spinning.

We've barely enough room in the house for my Rudy's toys, my scrapping stuff, my yarn....how am I going to store fiber stash? I'm thinking Cuddle Buns will have to store all of his hunting stuff elsewhere. That OK, honey?
guess I'll just have to add on to the house. Maybe a second story over the garage.
ReplyDeleteCB (aka: DH)