Hill Country Weavers.
Shady Grove.
'Nuf said.
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Monday, January 28, 2013
We just got back from the vet. R2 had several wounds that the very nice doctor looked at. One appears to be a slash, most likely from a bigger animal. There are also cracked or broken rubs. Poor guy is on antibiotics for a bit.
Monday, January 21, 2013
I don't even know where to start.
This is almost as amazingly bizarre as a nearly naked girl showing up at my house in the middle of the night.
I'm taking some trash out this morning and what comes around the corner of the house?
That's not Rudy.
Rudy is on the right.
Poor thing must have slept between the garages last night. (Yes...we have two....kind of.) There was a little bed made in the leaves in that little bit of sheltered space. He has on a bright orange collar and doesn't appear to be starving, but he was very thirsty.
He was very friendly with me and Rudy, but not wanting to play chase like my little guy. (In dog years Rudy should be outgrowing that by now I'm thinking. He's almost 28!!)
He kind of has the body shape of Bolt.
Cuddle Buns says to call him R2.
I would like someone to call him home.
I drove to the park down the road from us to see if any one the campers there were missing a dog.
Now I'm in kind of the same quandry I was in the other night with the nearly naked girl. What in the world am I going to do with this visitor?
Thursday, January 10, 2013
I took no pictures....
I'm not sure pictures would have been appropriate anyway. It could have led to law suits.
And I'm not at all sure how to record the adventures of the last 12 hours. Maybe a picture WOULD help!
I have company. Friends from Humble came yesterday with their daughter who is on her way to her first semester at Texas Tech. We live about halfway in their journey to Lubbock, so it is a good layover. Father and daughter were planning to get up in the wee hours to make the 5 hour drive. An alarm was set for 3:30am. (Not my alarm, mind you. Never.)
Daughter was bunking with me in our spacious king. She was already snoozing when I went to bed a little before 10pm. Her mom and I had just finished watching STAR TREK. (Can't wait for the sequel. May 17 if you're interested.)
OK....now it gets weird. Bizarre. Not sure I believe what happened next.
There was pounding on my back door. 1:30 am. At first I thought it was the critter. I haven't heard him all week. But then, still in a sleep stupor, I realized someone was at the back door. I went to look.
(In hindsight I should have dialed 911. Thank goodness I wasn't by myself!)
Standing on my back porch was a young woman with no shoes wrapped in a blanket. A damp 48 degrees outside. As I questioned her through the door I realized she also had only undergarments on under that blanket. She wanted a ride down the road. Really?? Where? Why? How?
Keep in mind that our house is a good mile off ANY road. And, after two days of blessed rain, very mucky muddy roads.
By this time my young friend is telling me I need to wake up her dad. Which is weird anyway, right? But I didn't know that he was armed. (Good to know.) We brought the young woman in so she wouldn't freeze, and father and daughter decide they'll just get ready and leave and take her where she needs to go, even though we are still not sure where that is. Mom, voice of reason, says: Call the cops.
So we did. Meanwhile, a kind of disjointed story unwinds. They were mudding. Crashed the vehicle (golf cart or 4 wheeler) into water (tank or creek) and she was at the camper (??) changing when the guys started to argue (alcohol was involved) and she decided to just show them. (Not sure what she wanted to show them. She was already without clothing.)
The kind officer came. Knew exactly where she wanted to go. She went willingly.
Basically naked in a blanket.
And I'm not at all sure how to record the adventures of the last 12 hours. Maybe a picture WOULD help!
I have company. Friends from Humble came yesterday with their daughter who is on her way to her first semester at Texas Tech. We live about halfway in their journey to Lubbock, so it is a good layover. Father and daughter were planning to get up in the wee hours to make the 5 hour drive. An alarm was set for 3:30am. (Not my alarm, mind you. Never.)
Daughter was bunking with me in our spacious king. She was already snoozing when I went to bed a little before 10pm. Her mom and I had just finished watching STAR TREK. (Can't wait for the sequel. May 17 if you're interested.)
OK....now it gets weird. Bizarre. Not sure I believe what happened next.
There was pounding on my back door. 1:30 am. At first I thought it was the critter. I haven't heard him all week. But then, still in a sleep stupor, I realized someone was at the back door. I went to look.
(In hindsight I should have dialed 911. Thank goodness I wasn't by myself!)
Standing on my back porch was a young woman with no shoes wrapped in a blanket. A damp 48 degrees outside. As I questioned her through the door I realized she also had only undergarments on under that blanket. She wanted a ride down the road. Really?? Where? Why? How?
Keep in mind that our house is a good mile off ANY road. And, after two days of blessed rain, very mucky muddy roads.
By this time my young friend is telling me I need to wake up her dad. Which is weird anyway, right? But I didn't know that he was armed. (Good to know.) We brought the young woman in so she wouldn't freeze, and father and daughter decide they'll just get ready and leave and take her where she needs to go, even though we are still not sure where that is. Mom, voice of reason, says: Call the cops.
So we did. Meanwhile, a kind of disjointed story unwinds. They were mudding. Crashed the vehicle (golf cart or 4 wheeler) into water (tank or creek) and she was at the camper (??) changing when the guys started to argue (alcohol was involved) and she decided to just show them. (Not sure what she wanted to show them. She was already without clothing.)
The kind officer came. Knew exactly where she wanted to go. She went willingly.
Basically naked in a blanket.
Friday, January 4, 2013
We have a critter in our house. In addition to Rudy. One we haven't seen but can only hear. In the walls. At night. Care Bear suspects a ghost. If it is, it just recently took up residence AFTER the temps dropped to below freezing. (Smart ghost?) (Not a ghost believer personally.) (Rudy doesn't seem to be bothered by this critter. At all. He is more bothered that I wake up and stomp on the floor.) ANYWAY, this critter has bugged me and caused yelling and throwing things in the middle of the night. But about 5am this morning, after I pounded on the floor for quiet, I glanced out the window and was so thankful the critter woke me up!
I glanced out the window and the glow didn't seem to be from moonlight. And the trees looked frosted.
I know this pictures isn't the greatest, but it was dark and the garage light was all I had to use. And my phone, because who can find their camera at 5am???
But, when I awoke for good, WINTERWONDERLAND!
OK....not like in Iowa, or Germany.
When we went out to inspect all of the awesomeness, Rudy was really torn. To zip through this crazy white stuff like a crazy dog....or sit and shiver.
It isn't often that this Iowa girl gets to see snow, though. And although I'm quite happy not to live in it full time (especially in the COLD, and I mean colder than what we've had), I do love the pristine first snowfall.
Dug out my boots and Rudy's coat....Had to walk to the lake.
(Those white chunks aren't icebergs. They're birds.)
I think, truth be told, Rudy loves the snow. Not a fan of wet and cold. He is now snuggled into the princess blanket. Warm and toasty.
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Budding Author...if she works on her spelling
Zoey started a blog while she was here for the holidays. She hasn't decided on a title yet. But, she was tenacious in her typing. I thought I'd post her entry here for you. I have done NO EDITING:
tgtytgtgrtgyrytuftyyyttyrttttytyyttytytytytyttdfherhchgifygfgytyrvtgrgfhurhfrygt4yetgeurfyertf7erufg4ertfyrevbhfvgrt6rt6rtrgfgryftdertfudtrfeuwfyetwryegygyrgfefgyerfyetfreyrtykouneykouneyyggfgyfgtrgduggfujggfhgfgyudgyrgtyrgtghhgtyrdtrtuyrjgdhdhhyfytjutjyryyrtguyhyrtghrghrdghfhvfbvfghvdgfhydydjhgjrgjrgjyegrdfgrygfrggddgdfgrghrghggehgfhgrghrdfhgrrytydgyrtgyrgrgt6ryt7rt8rtreygyyeghfrhdfghgfytdgr0uydrgyrgghrghgr8rhgrhgrygryggd1tjtjryrut2ghrgygdjhr hgydtrytrytdjyeyttgtgfgehsfegfhhhhhfeshfgfshhfsgsfhgfs gdftgtdgffdf ghfghdjghjdgjhfdjrgfhhjfghfdfgfhdgg ugyfgytfrytfyrdft hgrttfgjhjfjfhjhjhfjghhjfghjfhjhjhjh hghfgfhghdjgfhgdjghjr gthfgfhghrjugdh gfrdfhgvfhdv gfgdfgsdhxghcgvgcvhgvhfchdgfhgjhgjdhfgdfhgjhgdhvhcfghgvfcgfhgvfhcjghvfggvhcfvghfcvbgbhfghfgnhgvfhgfhgvrhgteryfgrhvcbvxhfghftefdhfegfrfyeggfygdffgsfgsjfgjfgdjfgdhgdhfghgdffgdfshdfsgdfhdgfghfgdhsgfgryt65475ytgr123456678901234567890hgfhwetfyteyfeferwuegfuwetf8fhudgfyygeryfgudfydfydgfhedfeshfhgghgfhgdgghfgggggfffgfdygytefgetgrefgydgrfrtgfrytytytytytytytytytytytyfgvfygcgygfbhfgfugdjfgdujgujgurrytytyrturtyrturegfhgrrf56t54tgt3yrfrgyfgyfgtygrhgdrrghfg gfygrer gferrgfrygfyety yydjrgjgjrefr gfjgsyfhegfhgffregfshgfhregfsherfgeh gyrtgdytgygrygrygrygyrgryftyerydferfgyrtfgdvdfgcvgvcsmcdgchngcsnhfdhjtfklgoipdfryfgdshdgefegfegfegfrfgrfrdttfrtrtftgryghrygdyyrferfrtefrefefestwesretrtwrtrt4ere gfgfrygfhr trtfyrgyfgryfgryfrgf grfrgfrgfyrtfyrtgygtytytyfdhggrhtyrtytdgyt todayzoey'zgfhdgtygdtryrttotodayzoey'smomisgoodmommyygyydghfgddhffgjhgfyfeyfhrfgrfhrfhdgfgcvgfdtftehfseheyhgfhgyhggvdhgfdfghdfteytfrtedfrdferdftdhgdfhdefgduyuyeufjtueytfeftyetfyetefyerfeyftfuwtsuryuftruertrfgrtrytfyrestryehteyferujtf fyrtgyertuertefrrgetfsyytfyrfehghgfhghrtfdghgfghdhgfgggrtfrydgvcgvgdfhtdhtfytfyftydtrfrdfyhdhterytfttterfrgfrfesgfetetgsergertdrtwesetdfefdestdrfefsgfgdfgfesgfdegsdgffeededet fygdytgyffreefreehghfdhjhrtgytyrtuyrtu4eytu7tytr6ytyfgrfdhfgdf123456789009876543215tgb1qaz2wsx3edc4rfv5tgb6yhn7ujm8ik,8ik,9ol.ygytyert6eteyrte rtrftgdyrg7rtrytyryyetereyre6rtweyrteytrytyrtyretryturyfgdhfdhfghrgyrdfhghfgherufyetrfterurgytruegjrtyhetyrtrtrytwreerhfgdferyftrefefdfgefdgfgdfhrfergfhgjfhjfhggghfgdhgfhfgdyrtydrfgryvjdcv tfgfrgy tygfgtryrtgrygtyrtff tyeout yvufyvuygdfgyfggrfrhgfhgrfgdyfgygyfgureyfruyfgfdhgyrtygurhghrfhghggfgyrdgthdgrthgrhgrhgrfrgrffdrgffdgftdtrftseyhteyhegrfhrgefrgfrfgyrfggfeertetfshghfghhdgyhrgedhrghdfghfgydghethrtytydrtgrygtrytgtryfgrgtrytgtygurtjgtrjujgtgytgytgyrtgyrtgyrtgryfghdghhfrtyyryfrey jhgt5fgr nmjuyjyjyhhyur5r7uyujuyiuiccccgfgfgyrgtgyrtgyrtttrtrretettygyfygergdtrugrdyfhvgcvfdfgxdytghfgfdygfhdgdhgjrfghfghgfhgvhdfgvfhdghfgfhghfghfgfrghghfrtgtgrdghrgrhgbhgrefrfrfrfrfrgrdfhfgdhfggrjhjtghgrdhgdhgjhrjfhhtgghfghghngfhdghfghfhhfghfbhvgh bhfdhrfgrhnfmmxzxcvbnm,./qwertyuioplkjhgfdsazxcvbnmgrgtefhgrgrfghvfhgtrygrfhrgdujgfughfutgygrhrgryrgrygydtyrtrytud5tygrygfyrgrtdrtdutrtyurtgrghtrgyrdhtgyrhtgrzoomfvfggjfhggfhrtudjyryrtthrft,,,,,,,yvgygeyftdhfgdfdyferyrfrtefyetftuyefgtefey6fgygyfgtryfgrhfgeyhdfdhfthdrthutehthyygiuhtuhbrugbgfghfcgjhgvhfhfyg ytrygfhvfgvggfvfhjgfghdjfgfhggrfgefgreuftryfgtewgdyegfuiergrfefehrgfgefsyrhrtgrtehtdtregtedytgrygjygghfdhjhgfhgbfgbgrtgydurterqdddfvgffcgvfvfvgfdgxhghhghjh gfhfgbfhgvfvfhgfvgfgddcfdndgfegdfsyfgesfgehrfrfsghfrfgefgfgfgggfgvcftfgfgfgfrfgggfgfgfhfhghghjhmjcgdhcdhgvfhhghghfghgfhggdfdfdfdfdfdfdgdghtrtrtrcbcbnfmmxfdrdrdrdrtgftfggffgddggbggdfgdgdgfdgfddgdgfddfdffdgfgdgbfgfggfgffdffdghuiuiuhhgjgjghghnhggghghghghghghghghgfgfgfgffhghgfhhghghghghghhggghghghghghghgfgfgfgfdfdggfddgdgddgdtytughfhghbvhbghfvjfhjfhjhcjgcfbfbhbfbcnvbfhch hbvbhjmgbmvbgbgnbgnbhghtghtuyugbfhvbfv vbgrgrhgfrytyryrtgtgtugytugtgghtgytgtygggfgfggfgfghghfgffghghgjugijitjghbhthgggtytgtgtfffgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgdfdfdfgdgfdfsfdgdhyttytyfftrtrtrtrtyryty hjhuuuhuyygygyhghhghghghgfghffgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgffgffghngjhjjghghfgvgvcgcxz gvgfgfgfbvvffgffggftfgtrrtrtrtrerertrerereet5ererererereerdrfreehyuyufhggggfgfgfgfg67uy8u6tyt7641234567890hfttdfde2818517444hh5ttyytyggggfgfgffgrttytytttrfgfgtjjthukkuguuuugghgjhjutututtutyttuyuyutuuyutuytuytuttytytytyytrgthyjuiuii7yuyfccvfeerersgffreefdgfvfcvxxcvgbnmjmnbvcxzcdrtyyyhhyhhggfgfhfjhhdffgtyuyjuyjujujuhghtgrtrttrytrggrhtrtgrjhjfhgfhjhjghjhhfgfgrtgjhthgjhhghjgjhgjfgrtuugtgtgthghgtjhjgrjfgrhfgrg50fghthguufgfhfhgjfdghgfhyhyguyfgughyyrtrteteerererrerererererereertrgtgrydgdughjgfyfgyujjhhjkujhyjhghythutuhuguhuguhyhuttgjtghrfgrytrugrttyggvytygytutytfhhgghfrftrufweuqwweoiuoeeafdjvgdjfgkdalqjdscdxcdfnvgfjgyerugywiruwoeiqpoepoal
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