I'm a newly retired middle school teacher, which means I most likely need some kind of psychological evaluation. Instead, my DH brought me the cutest little guy ever!! He is teaching me to relax. Slow down. Smell the tree stumps.
His mom is a stray Chihuahua. Dad was a love 'em and leave 'em type. We're thinking he was some sort of terrier. Rudy weighed in at 2.7 pounds our first vet visit, and I'm hoping he stays little. He's brilliant, of course, as are both my children and all of my grandchildren.
I've tried to kind of be low key around Rudy about this. Inside, though, there is a turmoil about how I can possible leave Rudy for 2 whole weeks. It is Ireland, and all, but 2 weeks!
We are getting ready to go to the airport and I wish I'd taken Auntie Donna Rita up on her plan for us to get Rudy on the plane.
Two weeks without Rudy AND the internet. What will I do?????
I so remember the first time I walked both of my kids to the bus stop and watched as they walked up those steps and faced all of those big kids they didn't know. Their first lost tooth. Their first sleep over. The first time they drove by themselves. I thought most of the "firsts" were done for me except for the grandbabies. But now this...it is just so HARD!!
Rudy has outgrown his first collar. He isn't a puppy anymore,
Of course, he still is the cutest ever. AND now he gets to sport his cool camo. I've lost him a time or two in the yard in it. He blends.
Since I first laid eyes on him, I've been in love with Rudy's ears. Take a look at the picture to the left. Those flopping, wonderful ears.
He also has a way of holding them (not being able to physically do any moving of my ears without the aid of hands I'm not sure if that term is the one I need, but hopefully you get my drift) that has always made me think of Sally Fields. See the resemblance?
OK....that first frame of the movie isn't Sally, for those of you who weren't born when this wonderful show was on prime time. But watch the video. Very entertaining. You old folk (my age) will have a blast of wonderful nostalgia.
I've been sure when he was very small (smaller than now...like 5 pounds ago) he could be air borne given the right wind currents. Sally used to say: "When lift plus thrust is greater than load plus drag." (Oh....the 60s. A simpler time. With no reality TV.)
But lately it seems his passenger side ear isn't acting right and I'm worried. It never flops. The driver's side ear flops. Can you break an ear? Did he fall and do irreparable damage? I'm a big fan of symmetry, so is there some kind of ear therapy I need to do???